Day 2 of RIPE 72 featured a full day of plenary sessions and we had 600 attendees checked in by the end of the day – wow!

A full house for the morning’s first plenary session
Highlights of the first morning plenary session included:
- CloudFlare’s network automation setup using free open-source tools like Salt and NAPALM and how that lets them control hundreds of points-of-presence in more than 80 locations around the world
- How Google uses massive automation using commodity hardware and software-defined networking
- Why IoT isn’t going to make your company rich and the importance of the Internet community overcoming the hurdles of compatibility, obsolescence and security
After the morning coffee break, the plenary sessions continued.
Highlights included:
- An in-depth look at Comcast’s impressive IPv6 deployment including 90% of their set-top boxes running on native v6!
- Enno Rey discussed poor implementations of IPv6’s Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) in multiple vendors
- Vaibhav Bajpai compared how top Alexa websites render over IPv4 compared to IPv6 and found that the results were disappointing; many still have errors or missing content with IPv6

An update from the CRISP team
After lunch, highlights of the afternoon’s first plenary session included:
- An IANA stewardship transition update from the CRISP Team and a thank you for all their hard work
- An entertaining story from Randy Bush on a happy inter-RIR transfer of legacy IPv4 between ARIN and the RIPE NCC
- Showcasing how Russian censorship of webpages affects customers in surrounding countries because of traffic routing and how such impact can be avoided
The last plenary session of the day featured:
- Anna Maria Mandalari on using a crowdsourcing platform to detect filtering of new protocols by middleboxes
- A nice hack from Dave Knight for gathering diagnostic responses from DNS anycast nodes by spoofing a source address
- Statistics and insight on how RIPE Atlas is currently being used

We love Randy’s pink Comic Sans
But wait, there’s more!
The RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI) session concluded the meeting day with presentations from RACI attendees on:
- Internet Routing Registries, data governance and security
- Detecting IXPs in trace route paths with tralXroute
- Pondering what would happen if we designed measurements as a first-order service
- The radiography of AS interconnection
…and an Assessing Middlebox Behaviour BoF.
Then everyone hopped into busses and headed to the Tivoli Gardens amusement park for the evening’s social event sponsored by Hilco Streambank.
See you Wednesday for the RIPE Working Group sessions.