
11:04 < Oliver_RIPENCC> Hi everyone, I'm Oliver from the RIPE NCC. If you have questions/comments for the presenter and want me to read it out, please state your name/affiliation and I'll go to the mic when questions are called for. Keep in mind that there is up to a 30 second delay for remote participants, so it's better to get your questions in before the question period begins.
11:04 < Oliver_RIPENCC> Please note that all chat transcripts will be archived and made available to the public on
11:05 < Oliver_RIPENCC> John Jason Brzozowski has begun the presentation "IPv6 @Comcast – Then, Now and Tomorrow".
11:10 < bittin> will the sessions be recorded and uploaded to youtube later? don't have time to watch it all sadly
11:11 < rhe-786> They're usually available on within minutes of each session finishing.
11:11 < Oliver_RIPENCC> hi bittin, not to Youtube no, but on the RIPE 72 website
11:11 < bittin> neat thanks rhe-786 πŸ™‚
11:11 < Oliver_RIPENCC> thanks, rhe-786 πŸ™‚
11:11 < debbi> Hello motp.
11:11 < Habbie> indeed 3 recordings at already
11:11 < bittin> Habbie: cool thanks
11:11 < Habbie> and all of yesterday as well
11:11 < bittin> +1
11:20 < ripe033> Could somebody upload the Transcript for the first session?
11:20 < ripe033> Tuesday, 24 May 09:00 - 10:30
11:20 < Oliver_RIPENCC> hi ripe033, the transcripts for the AM sessions are available in the afternoon
11:21 < ripe033> ahh, thank you Oliver
11:27 < GPF> Oliver_RIPENCC: the stream has little outages it seems
11:27 < Oliver_RIPENCC> thanks GPF, I'll forward it to the Ops team
11:27 < Oliver_RIPENCC> John Jason Brzozowski has asked for questions.
11:28 < ripe710> V6: what about major players like twitter where is the transition ?
11:28 < Oliver_RIPENCC> hi ripe710, can you state your name and affiliation?
11:29 < Oliver_RIPENCC> (if you want me to forward the question to John)
11:29 < GPF> Oliver_RIPENCC: Q: Sebastian Wiesinger, noris network: How "much" V6 Address Space do you provide to broadband customers? What granularity of IPv6 Firewalling do your CPEs support (expose host, forwarding, etc.)?
11:29 < ripe710> FO Telecom
11:30 < Oliver_RIPENCC> thanks, ripe710, and your name? thanks
11:30 < ripe710> Ian
11:30 < mickod-2110> Mick O'Donovan, BT Ireland, can you ask John Jason has he ever thought of touring this talk to the boardrooms of dinosaur telcos by chance? - not that I know any dinosaur telecoms πŸ™‚
11:30 < Oliver_RIPENCC> a big queue for questions/comments, I'll put them through in the order they come in, thanks
11:33 < Oliver_RIPENCC> unfortunately I'm last in the queue, this talk isn't accepting more questions
11:37 < leslie> hey, fyi, twitter is using a ipv4-only cdn
11:37 < leslie> but you didn’t hear that from me πŸ˜‰
11:38 < leslie> even though i think this is a publically logged chat room
11:38 < CJO-51468> leslie: hehe πŸ˜‰
11:38 < GPF> tahnk you
11:39 < Oliver_RIPENCC> thanks for your questions, all
11:40 < Oliver_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
11:40 < Oliver_RIPENCC> Enno Rey has begun the presentation "MLD Considered Harmful".
11:40 < mickod-2110> believe me, I know you've been doing it and doing a great job
11:40 < mickod-2110> someone it's missing the boardrooms in some businesses πŸ™
11:40 < job> is there still room for lighting talks?
11:41 < job> or is the programme filled to the top
11:41 < leslie> job: i think we have friday slots
11:41 < leslie> we haven’t determined them yet
11:51 * teh gets ready to burn the wifi down
11:51 < teh> Every 20 minutes or so, RTTs go to like 30s
11:51 < teh> Sometimes it recovers, sometimes you reconnect and it's perfect again
11:51 < teh> It's maddening
11:52 < angry-pope> teh: similar experience. I changed to 2.4 GHz and so far it is better.
11:52 < monrad-51468> teh: its the surveillance device that needs to empty out its buffer πŸ™‚
11:54 < david_RIPENCC> @teh will pass this onto the network team, can you email opsmtg [at] ripe [dot] net so we can track it and get some more info from you please?
11:54 < teh> angry-pope: this is 2.4, 5 seems worse - but that could just be my adapter
11:57 < cht-31590> teh: what wifi are you using ? - i had issues on the 64 net, but not the "ripemtg" one.
11:57 < cht-31590> <:(
11:58 < angry-pope> I had issues on the 'ripemtg' net to the extent that it was useless for minutes at a time
11:59 < Oliver_RIPENCC> hi guys, if you have wifi issues please visit my colleagues at the IT Support Desk πŸ™‚ they're happy to help
11:59 < teh> cht-31590: nah, no nat64
11:59 < teh> 5 breaks routinely, but that seems to be my adapter being rubbish
11:59 < teh> 2.4 works fine for a while then goes super slow
12:00 < teh> Anyway, I want to watch presentations now - spent far too long with this
12:00 < cht-31590> πŸ™‚
12:03 < Oliver_RIPENCC> Enno Rey has asked for questions.
12:07 < Oliver_RIPENCC> Shane has closed the mic
12:07 < GPF> The stream is breaking up πŸ™
12:07 < Ian> Good Talk πŸ™‚
12:10 < Oliver_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
12:10 < Oliver_RIPENCC> Vaibhav Bajpai has begun the presentation "Measuring Webpage Similarity from Dual-Stacked Hosts".
12:11 < cht-31590> are there any Atlas people here on Ripe72 ?
12:12 < marita_s258> cht-31590, do you mean RIPE NCC staff?
12:15 < cht-31590> marita_s258: i was thinking more specific in regards to the Atlas
12:16 < marita_s258> cht-31590, there are about 5 RIPE NCC Atlas staff, if I understand you correctly.
12:16 < marita_s258> You can spot them here:
12:16 < cht-31590> ah - thanks
12:19 < dotwaffle> just a +1 on wifi issues -- i'm fine, but my colleague beside me is having issues. He'll visit IP Support in the next break πŸ™‚
12:21 < Oliver_RIPENCC> Vaibhav Bajpai has asked for questions.
12:21 < teh> Looks like someone just rebooted the 2.4 AP
12:24 < Oliver_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
12:25 < Oliver_RIPENCC> This session has now ended.
12:32 < boggits> random comment - can someone put the timezone in the β€œripe 72 continues at 14:00” graphic
12:35 < marco_31529> ah.. coffee
13:25 < bittin> boggits: UTC+1
13:26 < Aziraphale> no, UTC+2
13:26 < Aziraphale> GMT +1
13:27 < Aziraphale> or, strictly speaking, BST+1
13:27 < boggits> it’s CEST, it was more of a general comment πŸ™‚
13:30 < bittin> Aziraphale: ah my PC says UTC+1 and i tought Denmark had the same time as Sweden
13:30 < bittin> but i might be wrong
13:30 < Aziraphale> UTC doesn't track summer time
13:30 < bittin> oh well
13:30 < bittin> Aziraphale: ah thats true
13:30 < bittin> oh well 30 minutes
13:30 < Aziraphale> so in winter your PC would be right ;p
13:31 < bittin> heh okay